Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mis-Adventures of a Real Estate Photographer

For those that don't know, I also do Real Estate Photography in my downtime and the other night I was telling my friend about one of my many Misadventures whilst being out and about shooting houses...and I realized that I should write down these stories and share them, and join you in laughing at myself! :}

I already have a few that I've stored up in the vault that is my brain, so I won't overwhelm.  Maybe just share a couple as I go...and as they happen....

This first one is "Devil Cat".
I like cats.  I owned a cat growing up and he wasn't too friendly (of course...you wouldn't be either if you lived with a little girl (only child) who made you her Barbie pony and her BFF.)
The minute I walked into this house I knew that the cat wasn't too thrilled with me being there.
Bellowing from the kitchen, I figured I would go ahead and catch the rooms he wasn't in before chasing him out of that one.  Started to shoot the living room (that connects with the kitchen) completely oblivious that I was being stalked. 
Later, in looking at the photos, I saw this one...
When I moved to the other side of the room, my stalker went completely unnoticed.  I stood in front of the kitchen door snapping photos when WHAM! He jumped on my legs, grabbed at my feet and ran away!  Scared me to death!!
So, I started thinking that I might want to avoid this cat at all costs...but...he wouldn't let me!  No matter what room I went in, he was there. Growling. Hissing. Not Happy.  I decided that he needed to just go in the bathroom, but he was so agitated that I was scared to touch him. So I started to chase him.....welllll......he started to chase ME back! Yep! I was being chased by Mr. Kitty Cat.
I had to get this house done, so I just did my best to work around him again, his Bellows resounding through the house!  Finally got done with the downstairs (was NOT easy) and was ready to go upstairs.
He had different plans.
He sat on the bottom of the stars eyeballing my every move. He did NOT want me to go upstairs.
I was scared to step over him b/c he had already attacked me (and chased me) once.  So....after talking to him the power struggle resulted in me taking off my flip flop and trying to get him to move. He didn't budge....just attacked me and my flip flop!!  By now I had spent about 30 minutes just trying to get up these stairs.  The cat and I exchanged dirty looks for quite some time...and I decided to go find a broom. Luckily the owners had one in the garage...so I came in armed and ready. 
Lets just say it wasn't pretty. 
The poor cat did all it could to get to the other side of the broom, but I was the victor.
So what did I do?
Of course!
Stood at the top of the stairs and in my very best Neener Neener and showed that cat who was the mature one. psssh....
So, I the carried the broom wherever I went. It was my lifeline.
And the cat...well...he waited for me on the stairs...everywhere I went.
It came time to do the back yard of the house (which was huge).
I went back downstairs (with my broom) and to the back door.
UNlocked it, closed it behind me and shot the back yard and back of the house.
When I was done, I walked back up to the doors...turned the knob.......locked. No joke.
Peeked inside...and who was sitting right in front of the door as if to say "Suckerrrrr".....Devil Cat.
I still do NOT know how that door got locked. 
But little did he know that I had the garage door code and I was able to get back in which was followed by a sassy "in yo' face" dance.  
As I was leaving, I thanked the cat for being so hospitable and reminded him of how much I disliked him.
He just hissed.
All in all...I would say that I handled it like a 4 year old! :}

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